
Monday, October 3, 2011

The New Dork Review Turns Two: Time to RIOT!

On the scale of momentous book blogging days (a scale which totally exists), today might be an all-timer. For one, I'm celebrating two years of computerized-scribbling about books here at the New Dork Review — or, as they say in the biz, it's my two-year blogoversary. (Actually, the real anniversary is Oct. 1, but since I'm a dude, I get a little leeway on the exact date, right?)'

As totally mind-blowingly awesome as a two-year blogoversary is (whoops, the sarcasm font isn't loading properly today), the really exciting news today is the launch of Book Riot. I couldn't be more thrilled to be involved with 11 other contributors in this new website dedicated to all things bookish, with a decidedly snark, humorous and absolutely-not-at-all stuffy tone. I mean, one of the first posts up is a conversation between two contributors about Jersey Shore and pop culture and books. It's awesome! Please go check it out and visit frequently — it just launched today and there's already a ton of fun content there to peruse, but there will be new content every single day. 

So, naturally, you're wondering how Book Riot and The New Dork Review of Books will complement each other, buy each other beers, scratch each other's back, etc. I mean, you've been stopping by here twice a week for two years now, right? (RIGHT?!) You're used to your routine. Am I just going to leave you hanging? Short answer: No. Longer answer: Nooooooooo. (Hehe...)

Frankly, I don't know what's going to happen here, but I do know that I probably won't be as OCD about posting twice as week here as I was in the pre-Book-Riot past. I'll be contributing there twice a week, at least, and I'll be recycling some of that content here (after a Book Riot exclusivity window expires). There will still be new content here, too, so don't delete your bookmark or "stop following this blog" in Google Reader, or cancel your email subscription. The New Dork Review of Books is not going away. After two years, and 210 posts, it'll continue to go strong. Thanks as always for your continued readership!


  1. Happy anniversary! AND Happy Birthday! I'm excited about the Book Riot (but would never unfollow the New Dork Review in the meantime). Congrats on lots of excellent, book-lovin' madness.

  2. Awesome news! I look forward to new and varied ways to encounter your always-excellent book thoughts, my friend.

  3. Congrats on two years of blogging! I'll make sure to look for your stuff both here and over at Book Riot

  4. Congratulations - And Book Riot looks like loads of bookish fun - can't wait to see how it develops.

  5. Congrats on your two years blogging with us other bloggers (I've been blogging for 2 1/2 years so far and it's been great... so much as improved on Blogger and I don't intend to stop doing this). Also, with technology bringing us closer together, I wonder what else will happen next to this great computer world? And BookRiot looks brilliantly funny and exciting. I had a look at it and may have another look in a few days' time.

    Congrats again, Greg! :D

  6. I didn't realize you were coming up on this milestone! Congrats Greg.

  7. Congratulations! Hope for many more years of insightful posts!

  8. Congrats on your second year of blogging and best of luck with Book Riot.

  9. Congratulations, I look forward to browsing around Book Riot

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  10. Happy Blogoversary! Also just added BR to my reader earlier today - very cool stuff :-)
